At @RyanKidd's request I've reopened this project for donations, through October 15.
Athena is a relatively new research mentorship program fostering diversity of ideas in AI safety research. We aim to get more women and marginalized genders into technical research and offer the support needed to thrive in this space. This would be the 2nd iteration of the program.
Info from the first program:
A 2-month hybrid mentorship program for women looking to strengthen their research skills and network in technical and governance AI safety research beginning in January/February 2025.
This includes 1-week in-person retreat in Uk/Europe followed by a 2-month remote mentorship by established researchers in the field, with networking and weekly research talks.
Two main goals of the program:
1. Help qualified women to feel more welcome in the field of technical AI safety research through support and community events
2. Connect mentees to researchers and provide project accountability, research network, concrete experience in the field, and space for future collaboration
These goals are achieved through the following specific actions:
Establish mentorship relationships through 1:1 weekly mentor 1 hr meetings
Deliver workshops and training sessions to enhance technical skills and research methodologies.
Setting up networking and social events to build a supportive community with global organizations
Support specialists to debug culture and productivity issues with
Create a community of women to share experiences with and to create more visibility for women (hey a lot of women are in this field, this could be a place for me)
Scholarships for travel and lodging if participating in the in-person program, compute resources
Placement after program into research groups if interested for collaboration (paid or unpaid)
After program alumni page for continued involvement
Program outcomes:
Increase the number of women pursuing careers in AI alignment, which is currently a male-dominated field with a very specific culture that can be very unwelcoming. Help to shift the current culture to one that values diversity, inclusivity, and more qualified individuals.
Provide mentees with valuable mentorship, support, and networking opportunities that can make all the difference in women's success and choice to stay in this field
Signal to the greater AI safety community of the importance of diversity and inclusion in AI alignment research and practice
Diversity of perspective leads to more research activity and breadth, especially in this emerging field
Funding goes towards participant travel fees, venue/food for retreat week, payment to operations staff, and compute/other research related needs for participants.
I set up and ran the first Athena AI safety research mentorship program recently with 12 mentors, 13 fellows, and 2 retreat fellows. We had over 25 participants for the in-person retreat in Oxford, which included Athena fellows and new speakers joining each day for a week. I was responsible for every part of this planning and execution. Past participants have gone on to participate in MATS and other AI safety research programs. You can see more information about this on the website:
I participated in SERI MATS 3.0 as a research fellow, conducting independent AI safety research
I was an Operations Manager at the Atlas Fellowship in Berkeley
I participated in the Mars College Artist Residency, where I organized workshops and community building initiatives
I monitored educational program progress through research with the group, ‘Thaki’, which aids teachers and refugee students through educational programming
Instructor and teaching assistant for programming courses with Digital Media Academy
Lead Intern with the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago working with community initiatives and educational programming
Research Fellow, Epistea Residency: collaboration with the Alignment of Complex Systems Research Group (ACS), specifically involving applications of active inference in AI
3 years of research work in a behavioral neuroscience lab at the University of Illinois
Worked on brain simulation software Netpyne for 1 year with the Dura Bernal Lab NY
Foresight neurotech Fellow 2024/WBE workshop attendee
Led EEG studies with startup Jhourney, with the goal of uncovering neural correlates of Jhana meditation states
We have not been granted funding for the 2nd iteration yet.
Austin Chen
6 months ago
At @RyanKidd's request I've reopened this project for donations, through October 15.
Neel Nanda
7 months ago
What evidence do you have from the first iteration of the program on how well it went? (In particular, assessment of how much counterfactual value the program added - participants who go on to eg do MATS may have gotten into it anyway). Eg did you survey participants after the program/several months later? (I know it was only a few months ago, so you don't get too much data).
I looked through your application, and the website, but still don't have a great sense of this
Claire Short
7 months ago
We collected survey responses before, during, and after the program with overall positive feedback. I didn’t directly ask about counterfactual value from the program, I’m not 100% this is the best way to go about it yet (maybe that's due to my psychology background, happy to hear other thoughts). We’re currently working on a program retrospective, which I’m happy to share with interested potential funders. Overall, yes there’s not many data points because there were 13 people in the program this first round but from the data we did gather, it was positive.
The next closest question that was asked would be ‘Do you believe that enrolling in the Athena program will offer distinctive advantages or methods for entering the alignment field, which you wouldn't be able to find elsewhere?’, which participants responded with:
Yes: 10
The program is good, but so are other AI fellowships: 1
To some extent: 1