Emmie Hine
There is a 70% chance that China will tie AI ethics into its Digital Silk Road, releasing a global AI ethics framework targeting developing countries.
Will Peracchio
There is a 95% chance China will trade internationally with their eCNY CBDC an annual volume in excess of $50bn USD by 2028
Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa
Jason M. Kingodn
There is an 80% change that the top five performing Chinese Internet and Internet related companies will be those who manage domestic deflationary pressures via
Nick Ayrton
China's Battle Against Antimicrobial Resistance
frank yu
Can China’s AI industry adapt to a changing global landscape
Can China make the great leap forward in AI?
Joel Christoph | Effective Thesis
Lydia Hansen
There is a 75% chance that the emerging Sino-Russian friendship crashes and burns by 2030.