@manuelallgaier This seems to have been posted twice (technical issue), and I can't seem to delete it? Can anyone here delete my comment, or let me know how I can do it myself?
$0 in pending offers
Manuel Allgaier
4 days ago
@manuelallgaier This seems to have been posted twice (technical issue), and I can't seem to delete it? Can anyone here delete my comment, or let me know how I can do it myself?
Manuel Allgaier
4 days ago
I've seen parts of the musical and heard many people raving about it, and I'm impressed what you've put together already in personal capacity with only €3k ($3.3k) only.
I think this fills an important gap: We need more stories to engage people emotionally as well. Rational arguments alone won't do, for most people, but we barely have any stories yet, especially not in musical or video format. I hope this becomes really big, and maybe at some point Netflix picks up on it and creates a large budget series.
If you care to elaborate, I'd be curious to hear whether you've thought about ticket pricing for this. If you don't receive the full amount by donations only, I could see this working with investments as well, e.g. people donate now to cover the financial risk but get their donations back if ticket sales cover the costs. Tickets could have a low income tier, or even be priced "pay as you feel".
Just sharing this as idea, there are probably considerations I missed and I totally understand if you want to do this differently.
Manuel Allgaier
6 months ago
I just joined one of how workshops and thought it was pretty good!
There's a shortage of these kind of workshops here in Berlin and Europe (and probably also globally), and Camille is an engaging and witty facilitator. I could see this becoming pretty big.
Another attendee who runs workshops for lobbyists for a living estimated that people would pay 500€ for a (further refined) 4h workshop version of this (or 4x1h).
Manuel Allgaier
7 months ago
Do you know any Youtubers (or other content creators) in your area? Could you record in their studio, possibly getting advice from them too? There's a growing network of EA YouTubers, and of course many more Youtubers who might also care to support you as well. Good luck!
Manuel Allgaier
11 months ago
(Note that I donated only $22 (€20) because I committed to donating that amount as part of a transaction (I bought an event ticket from someone for ticket price + 20€ donation) and I wanted to try out Manifund. I usually donate at the end of the year, I might donate more then.)
Manuel Allgaier
11 months ago
Seems valuable and cost-effective, based on meeting the co-founder and the info I found online (I haven't participated nor met other participants). I like the lean, agile structure and the focus on facilitating research that directly contributes as well as helps (young) researchers boost their careers.
For | Date | Type | Amount |
Kickstarting EA Latvia community | 6 months ago | project donation | 100 |
Impact Accelerator Program: Biggest career program for experienced professionals | 6 months ago | project donation | 100 |
Impact Accelerator Program: Biggest career program for experienced professionals | 6 months ago | project donation | 100 |
BAIS (ex-AIS Hub Serbia) Office Space for (Frugal) AI Safety Researchers | 7 months ago | project donation | 100 |
Manifund Bank | 7 months ago | deposit | +700 |
Help Apart Expand Global AI Safety Research | 11 months ago | project donation | 22 |
Manifund Bank | 11 months ago | deposit | +22 |