What progress have you made since your last update?
We got 75 people to beta test our compatibility questions! We are focusing on WOMEN right now. The majority of the responses are from single women. You can see and/or share the typeform here: https://shreedasegan.typeform.com/to/dSmutmIr
Continuing to build and design out the MVP!
Finished v1 of our pitch deck; found an advisor
What are your next steps?
Finish the pitch deck
Get 50+ women in just one city (Austin) to sign up
promoted tweets/IG posts
guerilla marketing (flyers around town)
set up dating event/mixer
Is there anything others could help you with?
get single women in Austin to do our questions
donate more money so we can do the marketing in Austin
I quit my part time job to focus entirely on this project
make warm intros to potential investors